In my thesis I explored the intersection of two and three dimensional design from the lense of a graphic designer. I began the year by making three dimensional tools that allowed me to play with light and depth in creating a two dimensional compositions. As I began playing around with these tools, I started questioning what was more important, the compositions that I created from the tool or the tools themselves?  And if it’s the tool, is this what happens if graphic design could live as objects in the real world that we engage with? 

Taking a folding chair as one such object, I redesigned it to emphasize the relm of the graphic designer: the folded two dimensional chair, over the expanded three dimensional one. I continued to incorporate form of a chair as an icon to represent my own struggle to take up space personally and professionally.

Chairs became a tool for two dimensional work, whether it be a seat for a letterform, or an object to cast shadows with. I began thinking of the chair as a composition of two dimensional forms in the accordion chair, blurring the line between two and three dimensions. And thinking about how a book could act as upholstery to sit on top of a chair. 

*Thesis show photographs taken by James Rice*

Designed at CCA

2022 & 2023