Watermark Pacifica is a volunteer based organization dedicated to preserving the ocean through coastal clean-up throughout our local community of Pacifica.
As I was working on this project I began reflecting on how my role as a designer was contributing to the root of the problem that this group tackles. And, ultimately, this led me to ask:

Can I make a brand that doesn’t produce waste?

Watermark Pacifica uses only found organic materials within its branding in order to reduce waste that could ultimately end up in the ocean. We do not make new objects with our branding, but rather rearrange existing materials within the local area to increase the group’s visibility. The brand uses the principles of displacement, scale, and iteration to indicate clear intentionality in arranging portions of nature to create awareness throughout the hyper-localized community of Pacifica. 

This is not a brand, but a concept.

California College of the Arts

Brand Book

This is something like a brand book. There is only one of these, and there will only ever be one. This is an attempt to grasp something that by nature passes away.

Land Art 

I created examples of how land art can act as some sort of signage to create awareness of the organization thorughout the community.




I went through many iterations of vectors before landing on a vector that emphisized the amorphous concept of flow that reflects the free form nature of the land art scattered around Pacifica.

Designed at CCA